Euphoria and Terror

Dearest foodies,
When we started this journey, Sunny shared with us a quote from a book about startups:
“You only ever experience two emotions: euphoria and terror. And I find that lack of sleep enhances them both.” – Marc Andreessen in Ben Horowitz’s The Hard Things About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers.
Epic last words. But not quite true.
Yes, we experienced euphoria and terror (more posts about this to come) and there was certainly a lack of sleep; but more importantly we also experienced gratitude, love, and an immense sense of community.
Thank you to our kickstarter backers who believed in us before the truck. Thank you to friends and family who supported us as we worked our way through the first year. Thank you to the network who cast us and gave us the once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank you to the entire production crew who gave us hope and encouragement through the adventure. Thank you to our food truck fans (new and old) for the cheers and smiles and help along the way. Thank you to all the strangers who took the time to listen to us and became our friends.
Last but not least, thank you to our fellow food truck competitors this season for the inspiration and the friendships we’ve gotten to take with us. The caliber of each of your trucks was extraordinary and we are so humbled and proud to be associated with you all.
Without the contributions of every single one of you, we wouldn’t be here.
This one is for you all. Thank you – again and again, and always.
With all our love,
Sunny, Sophia and Becca
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